Saturday, April 19, 2008


Actually Betty Jo........ I've been out to dinner :) LOL

No, seriously...... things have just been so crazy here. I've had so many things going on lately. I've had seminary (per usual, but still keeping me busy), kids activties (same old running around), Jim had surgery last month for a hernia that he went and got himself (kind of great lengths to go through for a vacation IMHO), my friend Dave has been out this week from Wisconsin, and I may have a business opportunity with him, so we've been working on that, Andrew turned 10 this month (Happy Birthday Andrew), my dog has ALLERGIES (even my dog is sick!!!), I'm working on having a Pampered Chef party on June 20th, so I have to get my addresses together for the woman who's coming (get some money saved before then :) you still have time LOL) Hmmmm oh, and I can't wait till summer so I can go and lay on the beach and pretend that the world doesn't exist! LOL

That's about it!!!


Unknown said...

mark me down for the pampered chef. I'll meet you at the beach! My husband and I both have strep throat, thank you Maria!. I am still up for babysitting if you ever what to go have dinner with your hubby!

Cassie said...

You're on the list, most definitely! I just need to get a new ward list (did you update your address?) If not I'll need to get your address from you so the lady can mail out the invitations.

I can't wait to go to the beach. I'm so excited. You guys will definitely have to come. We'll have to make a playgroup date with everyone and just make a whole caravan of "vans" going down there one day. It would be fun.

I'm sorry yo guys are sick. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs!

Yea, If my hubby ever stops working, I'll let you know :) Thanks. Same here, let me know when you guys want to go out!