Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm not currently posting on this blog (mostly for lack of time) but please come visit my other two active blogs.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Actually Betty Jo........ I've been out to dinner :) LOL

No, seriously...... things have just been so crazy here. I've had so many things going on lately. I've had seminary (per usual, but still keeping me busy), kids activties (same old running around), Jim had surgery last month for a hernia that he went and got himself (kind of great lengths to go through for a vacation IMHO), my friend Dave has been out this week from Wisconsin, and I may have a business opportunity with him, so we've been working on that, Andrew turned 10 this month (Happy Birthday Andrew), my dog has ALLERGIES (even my dog is sick!!!), I'm working on having a Pampered Chef party on June 20th, so I have to get my addresses together for the woman who's coming (get some money saved before then :) you still have time LOL) Hmmmm oh, and I can't wait till summer so I can go and lay on the beach and pretend that the world doesn't exist! LOL

That's about it!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Ashlynn!

I can't believe it's been 2 years!

You're almost all grown up! :D

No more baby :( So sad!

Happy Birthday Little Girl!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My New/Old Blog Is Up and Running.....

Much more exciting and worth-while reading than this place is my new/old blog that I finally got up and running thanks to this lovely snowy weather :) I had opened that blog account a long time ago, but hadn't posted ANYTHING on it (and you thought I was bad with this blog! HA!), so I decided it was time for a "face-lift" and a purpose!

Go check it out and tell me what you think! Just remember...... it's a work in progress! :)

An Inspirational Oasis

Stuck in the house with the winter blues!

Lots of fighting going on here! LOL Ahhhh sibling rivalry at it's finest. I never thought it was possible for 2 kids to fight more than my sister and I did, but now I know that "yes, it it surely possible!" Only 11:25am and I'm already ready to turn off my ears!" :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Really funny.....

Andrew saw the Women's UCONN basketball team playing on TV tonight, and with a crinkled up nose he said, "Women, playing basketball? That's just WRONG!"
So I told him to "Tell that to Sister Marble."
I got the deer in the headlights look, as if to say "oh no, what did I just get myself into!" LOL It was so funny I had to share!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Just another day....

of embarrassing events. What else is new in my life lately. Ahhh.... well, you think I'd learn to live with this, but no, I still feel bad. I don't know why it bothers me. I'm not supposed to care what others think about me, only what my Heavenly Father thinks; and I know that although He can be ashamed of some of my actions that when I come to Him with a humble and repentant heart that He is ready to welcome me back with open arms. Then why oh why do I still care? LOL Why am I still embarrassed? Why do I want to rewind the tape of the past 3 months and pretend that it never happened?

Although it was a very difficult morning/early afternoon the rest of the day has been very nice. Jim and I have had a good afternoon. I know this is probably only temporary, but I will enjoy and revel in it while it lasts. :) Ryan has also had a good weekend, so we'll enjoy that while it lasts as well and leave tomorrow to the Lord.